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The US Withdrawal from Iraq, What Will it Mean for Syria?

As of Monday morning, July 26, 2021, an announcement that should never have been needed has now been predicted, first by the Associated Press. There are few alive today, few rational individuals, who are so intellectually isolated that they are unaware that the US role in Iraq was based on fake intelligence fabricated by criminal elements inside the US and certain...

Gordon Duff

Wang Yi’s Tour of the Greater Middle East

The New Eastern Outlook has repeatedly noted that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is probably the fastest to rise among his foreign counterparts in his line of work. This is in line with the general process of a dramatic increase in the country’s role he represents to the world. Together with the US, this makes up the main (internally contradictory geopolitical duo...

Vladimir Terehov

Tunisia Once Again Plunged into a Protest Wave

Ten years after the outbreak of the Arab Spring in the Middle East, Tunisia, its cradle, has once again plunged into a wave of protest, the cause of which was the same problems unresolved by the "revolutionaries": primarily in the socio-economic field, the fight against unemployment, mainly affecting young people, the dominance of corruption...

Vladimir Danilov