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Caveman Anti-Japanism - South Korea’s National Idea?

In previous articles we have already noted that anti-Japanism is a key part of South Korea’s political narrative, and commented on the country’s determination to erase “inconvenient persons and events” from its national history. But each time this issue is discussed we see comments from people who are unable to accept that South Korea’s preoccupation...

Konstantin Asmolov

Tehran Scores Points against the Mossad

Confronting intelligence and special operations have never been a one-way game. Sooner or later, the opponents begin to play on an equal footing because no one likes a "weakling" anywhere, especially in the Middle East. It should be noted that, according to many experts, three intelligence agencies that may have been involved in several events in Iran have...

Vladimir Platov

The US-Japanese Alliance Against China Risks World War

In 2003, when several lawyers, including myself, visited North Korea to learn more about socialism there, we were shown US Army documents captured in 1950 by the communist forces when they seized control of Seoul and overran the American Army headquarters. The documents confirmed that it was the US and its puppets in South Korea that invaded the north, not the other way round...

Christopher Black