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Is Turkey Replacing Washington in the Bloody Relay Race?

Against the background of the US intention to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, thereby closing the bloody pages with the murder of thousands of civilians in these countries, unfortunately, similar sad reports keep coming from the region. Instead of condemning the US military personnel for such actions, the news agencies...

Vladimir Platov

Is Israel Preparing for a Military Strike against Iran?

There have been increasingly problematic reports about Israel's preparations to launch a military strike against Iran in recent days. It is well known that Israel considers Iran's nuclear program to be the "number one" issue. Despite Iran's repeated claims that developing a nuclear bomb is not part of its plans, tensions between the countries continue to escalate...

Vladimir Danilov

Turkey in the Language Struggle with Russia in Central Asia

It is well known that language is one of the main internal determinants of a person’s self-consciousness. The perception is conditioned precisely by language, which sets the vision and perception of the world. Hence it is not surprising that one of the areas of active confrontation between the West and Russia in recent decades has been the infringement of the Russian language...

Vladimir Odintsov