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India and Pakistan in the Afghan Problem

The Afghan problem keeps on bleeding. And it seems that this is not a figure of speech, bearing in mind the conflicting reports of events in the Panjshir Gorge, which could provoke a resurgence of civil strife across the country. This, along with the lack of an effective management mechanism, makes the prospect of a humanitarian disaster in a country of 40 million people quite probable...

Vladimir Terehov

Taliban Victory Potentially Strengthening Extremist Movements in the Region

September 11 marked exactly 20 years since the horrific terrorist attack that killed nearly 3,000 people in America. The US leaders of that time, in order to demonstrate to the world that they were the masters of the planet, decided to urgently strike in Afghanistan to show the world their power and might. A year and a half later, they invaded Iraq...

Veniamin Popov

Why is Iran Joining the SCO?

At the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO, to be held on September 16-17 in Tajikistan, the official announcement of the procedure of Iran's admission to its membership is expected. It will be an anniversary summit of the organization founded 20 years ago in 2001 by six states - The Shanghai Five (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, formed in 1996, and joined...

Vladimir Platov