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Russian-Indonesian Relations Grow Stronger Amid Geopolitical Instability

Indonesia, a country of 270 million people and ASEAN’s largest economy, is actively involved in the affairs of Southeast Asia and seeks to maintain peace, stability and economic development in the region for its own security and to accelerate its economic growth. For its part, the Russian Federation, whose foreign policy objectives...

Petr Konovalov

The IAEA's "Western Policy" on Iran

The mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA in connection with Iran's nuclear activities is strictly limited to technical issues and highly confidential, however the political exploitation of the issue is carried on by certain Western powers in stark contradiction with the principles of independence, impartiality, and professionalism that...

Viktor Mikhin

Washington’s Rift with Riyadh Grows Deeper

With Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House, several irritants have once again come to the forefront in US-Saudi Arabia relations. The Saudis are unhappy with President Biden’s intention to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in relations with Iran, as well as the US refusal to see the Houthi movement in Yemen as a “terrorist organization...

Vladimir Danilov