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DPRK Nuclear Activity in 2021

In the fall of 2021, news broke out that, in addition to developing a missile program, the DPRK restarted the Yongbyon reactor, its main nuclear facility, which was not operational from December 2018 to early July 2021. During the February 2019 summit in Hanoi, Kim Jong-un told Donald Trump that he was willing to dismantle the Yongbyon nuclear facility in exchange for the lifting of US sanctions that affect...

Konstantin Asmolov

China is Joining the CPTTP: What this Means for the Situation in the Indo-Pacific Region

On 17th September 2021, Xinhua News Agency of the Peoples Republic of China reported that on the previous day the countrys Minister of Commerce, Wang Wentao, had sent a formal request to join the regional alliance of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement...

Vladimir Terehov

The Great Nile and the Controversy Surrounding its Waters

After more than a month of consultations, the UNSC adopted a chairman’s statement calling for the resumption of the African Union (AU mediation to reach “a binding agreement on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD.” The adoption of the resolution coincided with the arrival...

Viktor Mikhin