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South Korea’s Seongnamgate

The scandal over alleged corruption related to land development in the satellite city of Seoul, Seongnam, is gaining momentum: its main protagonist is Lee Jae-myung, now the leading presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Party, who initiated the project when he was mayor of Seongnam. Hwacheon Daeyu, a small company with a combined capital of 350 million won, was...

Konstantin Asmolov

Erdogan is the First to Put Western Ambassadors in their Place

Recently, Western ambassadors, led by their respective governments, but mainly by Washington, began to interfere in the internal affairs of the states that accredited them. They impose the Western nations’ will and attitude, demonstrating the alleged firm hold and power the collective West has over other nations. Through their actions...

Vladimir Platov

Afghanistan Impales the US “On Its Own Stake of Racism”

Around fifty years ago the American singer Lovelace Watkins, who hadn’t made the expected impact in his own country, became a big star in the UK. A big, powerful black man with a booming voice who sang popular romantic songs, his earthy appeal made him very popular with the ladies, and he performed a number of sold out cabaret shows and released several records...

Seth Ferris