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Kamala Harris Reveals Washington's Desperation to Contain China

Ever since its inauguration, the Biden administration has not missed any opportunity to give vent to its institutionalised and bi-partisan supported anti-China global orientation. The US Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent visit to Southeast Asia yet gain reinforced the narrative in more than one way. Although she said that the US...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Mekong-US Partnership: Promoting Poverty, Driving Sinophobic Hostility

It’s no secret that the US is engaged in heated competition with China and openly aspires to “contain” China’s rise as a global power and its otherwise inevitable surpassing of US primacy. It should by now also be no secret that in order to do this, Washington has attempted to recruit China’s neighbours into various united fronts regarding...

Joseph Thomas

Can Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi Lead Libya, and in What Direction?

After the events of 2011, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was not only overthrown but also brutally murdered, Libya effectively ceased to exist as a single state, continuing to be a tidbit for businesses and outside players. In a struggle between two quasi-states inspired by themselves, these competing outside players have long tried to seize power in the country...

Vladimir Odintsov