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NATO and the EU: Will Dad’s Army Become a Rapid Reaction Force?

Did you ever hear of the old British TV show Dad’s Army? If not, it is high time to see it—and have a good laugh in the process. The show is about the Home Guard, the volunteer civil defence force established in the UK during World War II in case the Germans invaded. A succession of bumbling civilians from a wide variety of occupations comes...

Henry Kamens

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: What Topics the Candidates are Delving Into

A conversation about the election race would be incomplete without mentioning what topics the contenders involved are locking horns with each other about. The Korea Times points out that while in previous elections the issues related to North Korea's nuclear program, and improving inter-Korean relations, were important elements...

Konstantin Asmolov

How Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan View the Change of Power in Afghanistan

It is well known than the majority of the population in Afghanistan are Pashtuns: according to rough estimates, about 45% of the country’s 40 million people are Pashtuns. Pashtuns play a leading role in the social and political life of the state, and this ethnic group is predominantly a member of the Islamist terrorist movement...

Petr Konovalov