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US War Plans with China Taking Shape

The US and its allies continue beating the drums of war in regards to China, but how serious is this? Will it really lead to war, or is it merely posturing meant to give the US the most favorable position on the other side of a fully ascendant China? A critical inflection point identified by US war planners for years is approaching, where China’s economic and military...

Brian Berletic

Afghanistan and Erdogan's "Great Turan"

After the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, Turkey intends to play a more important role in the country and cooperate with the Taliban. 2,000 Turkish soldiers have been part of the international military contingent within the ISAF mission in Afghanistan since the beginning. From June 2002 to August 2005, Turkish commanders were responsible for the mission...

Vladimir Odintsov

Sincerity of the Pledge to Withdraw American Troops from Iraq Raises Doubts

After Washington’s announcement of its decision to withdraw American troops from Iraq, the question of establishing the sincerity of the USA’s declared step remains at the center of attention for the international community. Yes, on the one hand it was confirmed that the USA would reduce the contingent at two military bases in Iraq...

Vladimir Danilov