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Ideological Aggression Against China Intensifies - The Uyghur Tribunal

On the 24th of July an article appeared on the weblog OpinioJuris written by two British lawyers named Mandelbaum and Borda and a German lawyer named Stegbauer, with the title, “Legitimation Crisis Or Access To Justice? On The Authority of International People’s Tribunals.” It appeared simultaneously on the Uyghur Tribunal website...

Christopher Black

Moon Jae-in Suggests Ending the Korean War; Pyongyang Agrees, but Says it's an Unfavourable Time

In September 2021, the President of the ROK visited the USA once again to participate in the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, where he made a speech separately addressing the issue of peace on the Korean Peninsula. The South Korean President speaking at the UN had previously proposed...

Konstantin Asmolov

Why is Saakashvili in Georgia Now?

Mikheil Saakashvili's theatrical return after eight years in exile and flight from Georgia, where he has been convicted twice for various criminal offences, has attracted increased attention not only in this Caucasus country. The very moment of his appearance in Georgia - on the eve of the local elections in which more than 40 political parties will participate, as well as the arrest...

Vladimir Platov