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Ukrainian Hackers Instead of North Korean Hackers

On October 15, 2021, the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) reported that four members of an unnamed money laundering organization, including its leader, were detained in a joint investigation that involved Ukrainian police, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Interpol. Three Ukrainians and another foreigner are accused...

Konstantin Asmolov

CIA has a New ‘China Mission’

Even though officials in the Biden administration, including Biden himself, continue to emphasise that the purpose of their renewed engagement with Southeast Asia/ASEAN is not containment of China, Washington’s drive to reinvent the QUAD, as well as the recently signed AUKUS treaty that could nuclearize the Indo-Pacific, is only a series of steps that it has taken in the past few months to confront...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

On the Latest US Maneuvering around the PRC and Russia

The process of rethinking the place and role of the United States in today's rapidly changing world launched back in the second half of the previous decade seems to be accelerating sharply. The most recent evidence of this is David T. Pyne's much-discussed article in The National Interest with the telling headline "America Cannot Take On China And Russia...

Vladimir Terehov