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Paris Lost Direction or What’s going on in Mali?

Franco-Mali relations have been feverish for the past two years, following the August (2020) coup in Mali, when President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was replaced by the military. And for an outside observer it looks like a bout of split personality in Paris. France has announced, since June 2021, through the mouth of its President E. Macron, that it is operating a “profound...

Oleg Pavlov

Washington’s Shifting Taiwan Policy Aims for an Asian “Ukraine”

The United States is openly talking about its arming of Taiwan no longer in general terms of ensuring “sufficient self-defense,” but rather specifically to “win against China,” thus confirming Beijing’s longstanding claims that Washington has been provoking conflict in what is China’s internal political affairs recognized as such...

Brian Berletic

Joe Biden Visited South Korea and Japan

US President Joe Biden’s trip to South Korea and Japan in the third decade of May was accompanied by a number of noteworthy events that deserve attention in terms of assessing the current stage of the “Great Game.” Of these, the least significant, but most widely covered in the world media, was the US president’s (sort of) public “gaffe” about the Taiwan issue. In fact...

Vladimir Terehov