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US Funds New Protests in Libya

Against a backdrop of deteriorating living conditions, electricity shortages, rising fuel and bread prices, popular unrest has returned to the streets of Libyan cities since July 1 which, with the inaction of security forces, has degenerated into disorderly acts by angry crowds, accompanied by vandalism, arson and looting. Hundreds of protesters stormed the parliament building in the eastern...

Vladimir Odintsov

Yoon Seok-yeol at the NATO Summit

One June 29-30, 2022, a NATO summit was held in Madrid that was attended for the first time by the President of South Korea Yoon Seok-yeol. South Korea is not a member of the military alliance, but was invited as a partner country along with Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. For Yoon, this was his first foreign trip as president - a sort of public outing and an...

Konstantin Asmolov

Is the US Now Trying to Destabilize Uzbekistan?

Unfortunately, the failure of the recent attempt to create an armed conflict in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAR) has not dampened Washington’s ardor in searching for ways to destabilize the situation in Central Asia and in creating an additional inconvenience for Russia, which at present is conducting a special military operation to de-Nazify Ukraine...

Vladimir Platov