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South Korean “Case of the Killer Fishermen”: Legal Aspects

This is not the author’s first publication on the infamous scandal in South Korea. In 2019, two North Korean fishermen were detained near the maritime border in the East Sea. They confessed to the murder of 16 of their comrades who were in the same boat, and expressed a desire to stay in the ROK. However, the government considered them criminals and decided...

Konstantin Asmolov

France is Rapidly Losing Influence in Africa

France has never taken into account the interests of the African nations, and now, as a result of its aggressive neo-colonial policies, this former imperial power is seeing a rapid decline in its influence not only in its former colonies but across the continent. In fact, France is increasingly being viewed both in these countries and in the continent as a whole as a destabilizing...

Vladimir Danilov

Saudi Arabia Realizes its Dreams

Developments in recent months clearly show that Saudi Arabia is steadily moving beyond being only a religious Mecca, becoming more and more also a center of political and innovative global gravity. This is not only evidenced by the attempt by Washington, which is losing more and more of its hegemonic position every day, to secure Riyadh’s support during Joe Biden’s recent visit. But also the race...

Valery Kulikov