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The Testing of a DPRK Hydrogen Bomb and Sino-North Korean Relations

Our analysis of the international response to North Korea's test of a hydrogen bomb directs our attention to China’s position and US-China debates about “what to do and who to blame. ”First, let’s look to the statement by Xinhua news...

Konstantin Asmolov

The Turkish Stream Pipeline and the EU

The flow of refugees into the EU does not cease. Their number in 2015 reached 1 million 6.5 thousand people, reported the International Organization for Migration in late December. The Telegraph wrote quoting forecasts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)…
Valery Kulikov

Disintegration of Iraq Will Take Days Now

As the international community was absorbed by the rapidly changing situation in Syria, where government forces are finally getting an upper hand, the situation in Iraq has slipped the attention of the better part of geopolitical analysts. The rapid...

Petr Lvov