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Internal Policy of the Republic of Korea: Future Trends, Rules, Power Balance

In 2016, South Koreans will vote in the parliamentary election, which some see as a "dress rehearsal" for the 2017 presidential race. To put readers in the picture, it would be reasonable to look at the political...

Konstantin Asmolov

Britain's War Crimes Will Not Go Unpunished

One could hardly find a person both within the UK or outside it that would look positively at the steps that have been taken by David Cameron and his government if, of course, we’re not talking about members of the Conservative Party and certain...

Martin Berger

The Zika and HINI - Nothing Controversial Here, Move On

In my article published in July last year entitled ‘Why Does Pentagon Need Laboratories in Ukraine? I wrote: ‘The next stage of development of Ukrainian democracy might be an accidental outbreak of a virus’. And here we go: ‘More than 20 Ukrainian...

Konrad Stachnio