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Retired Army Colonel: US Will Have a Presence in Afghanistan for Another 50 Years

Afghanistan is a geostrategic and economic prize that the West will not want to relinquish anytime soon. In an interview at the end of 2015, the former chief of staff to Colin Powell and retired US...

Steven MacMillan

Post-Sanctions Scenario: Iran’s drive to the West

In its bid to end ‘global isolation’, Iranian leadership, known for its pragmatism, has been treading a very cautious path since the finalization of the US-Iran nuke deal. Iran’s traditional ‘Russian tilt’, some believe, is undergoing a...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Turkish Authorities Collaborate With ISIS, While Journalists Are Persecuted

Despite Turkish authorities strain every nerve to hide from the international community facts exposing close collaboration of Erdogan and his puppets with ISIS, plenty...

Vladimir Odintsov