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Are We Waiting For a Civil War in Europe?

In an online manual ISIS suggests that IS militants living in the West should blend into the crowd. Among other things, they are to shave their beards and act like Christians. They also suggest that their supporters carry out bombings in...

Konrad Stachnio

Mesopotamia in Place of ISIS

Today the Levant is a place where not only the future of Iraq and Syria is being moulded, but that of the world as a whole. Three historically leading forces in the region, the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, are ready to decide on their political preferences...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova

The US and Central Asia

Central Asia remains the stage for the three truly significant actors in this show: the US, Russia and China. However, the interaction of these three players in the Region is complicated. And if the US sees Central Asia (CA as globally connected...

Vladimir Odintsov