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Saudi Oil Price Dumping Has Backfired Big Time

There is an old saying that still remains true to the present day: “when you plot mischief for others, you’re preparing trouble for yourself.” This saying describes perfectly what has happened to Saudi Arabia and a number of its GCC allies that...

Petr Lvov

EU Commission Pesticide Procedure Ruled Illegal

It's little wonder that people like many of those in the UK want to get out of the European Union. It is rapidly evolving into a concentration of corruption that rivals that of Kiev or of the Roman Empire in the Fourth Century. The most recent instance...

F. William Engdahl

How Europe is Playing the Saudia-Iran Rivalry?

Weary of the House of Saud’s monstrous creation called ISIL and its reach to Europe, European countries seem to be inclining towards creating a ‘distance’ from Saudi Arabia. Or is it? The latest instance of this so-called ‘distance’ came on...

Salman Rafi Sheikh