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Geneva Will See Syrian Kurds

Despite Turkey's clearly hostile and unyielding position on the participation of Syrian Kurds in the Geneva talks dedicated to the settlement of the Syrian conflict, the Kurds will most likely be a qualified party to the negotiating process after all. Two factors contributed to the favorable...

Stanislav Ivanov

On the Importance of Staying Cool in the Face of Provocations

On March 7, the Republic of Korea (ROK-United States joint military drills known as Key Resolve and Foal Eagle began. The goal of this year's exercises is to practice pinpoint strikes on the North Korean (DPRK leadership and...

Konstantin Asmolov

Is the Terrorist Attack in Ankara is but the Pretext for the Invasion of Syria?

The bloody attack in Ankara on March 13 that left 35 people dead and 120 injured provoked universal condemnation across the globe. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin almost immediately sent his condolences to the Turkish people after...

Viktor Titov